PCB boundary not correctly detected

We’ve tried to export our KiCAD project onto the platform, but it was unable to detect the boundary even if the DXF was imported onto edge cuts of the Kicad PCB files.

It is a project we already have on production and valid PCB. Maybe a bug?

Thanks for flagging this for us! In your case this is a legitimate issue. @tim from our team has already reached out via email directly to you keep you posted on status of the fix. Thanks for bringing to our attention, and sorry that you ran into it in the first place!

We’ll get you unblocked ASAP.

German, we have deployed the fix and launched your project 2 min ago, you can see the status and download candidates in the app as usual.
This indeed was a bug, thank you for reaching out and for your patience.

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Thank you. Looking forward reviewing the solutions