Partially populated board

my board has some footprints and tracks already placed.
When setting up the quilter job it displays:
“Components already placed: Quilter will attempt to route your design without moving placed components. If you’d like Quilter to redesign this board, please un-place the components.”
The generated PCB does not include the missing footprints, just some random ground vias.
How do I tell quilter to work with a partially populated board and place/route the missing components?

Hi @fabian to have Quilter place components, they must be loaded in the board file, but just remain outside the board boundary. Quilter currently does not generate footprints - it only uses those already present in the board file.

For an example of how you might have some components placed by you, while others are placed by Quilter, see the screenshot below:

Let me know if any other questions or feedback!

Hi @sergiy ,

ah got it, thanks. It works.